6 Month Training & Nutrition


Fully adaptable, all encompassing coaching includes :

My online strength coaching is fully interactive. Programming is very feedback-based, especially for lifters with varying or highly demanding work schedules. Adaptability is key to long term success. With month to month training, we communicate at least once per week. A typical feedback email contains the workout week’s results entered into a custom spreadsheet, video footage, questions and comments. My commitment is always to work as hard as you do. At a minimum, I will match your attention to detail and provide critique, and adjustments when needed to ensure consistent progress.

Month-to-month training includes a competitive lifter’s entire contest preparation. Meet day strategy, attempt selection, and all other competition-specific training are a part of the package.

Monthly nutrition is entirely feedback-based, with weekly adjustments as needed. As with training, adaptability is my priority. I realize not everyone carries a refrigerator to their job site, and can stop to eat meals in two-hour intervals. Regardless of circumstance, there’s a plan we can fit to match your schedule.

Month-to-month nutrition includes a competitive lifter’s entire contest preparation for strength sport. Water cut protocol, weigh-ins, recomposition and meet day strategy are all a part of the package.